Violet is the final color of the spectrum and is considered the most spiritual.
It is connected to the crown of the head and therefore is not encumbered by the demands of the body. In this way, it is the vibration that is connected to us, but reaches upward into higher realms of energy. There are many examples of violet (more commonly referred to as purple) being associated with spirituality and high levels of consciousness. Merlin, the wizard from the King Arthur tales, is often depicted as wearing a purple hat.
The Purple Heart medal represents the ultimate in bravery. In Catholicism during the holiday of Lent, all images of Christ are covered with purple. People who meditate with discipline report seeing violet light as part of the trance experience.
[1]Violet—a combination of red and blue—symbolizes emo- rional attitudes. It can indicate resignation, but it is also the color of introspection, religious beliefs, penance, and atonement.
It is a sign of your desire for self-knowledge and spiritual guidance.
Color Therapy: Violet is particularly-effective in the areas of mind and spirit. It controls the pituitary gland, and works well in cases of depression, migraine, parasitic conditions, baldness, and dandruff.
Depth Psychology: This combination of red and blue symbolizes faith, extravagance, magic, dualism, and femininity.
[2](See Also: Flowers, Gardens, Purple)
Passion: This flower is astrologically ruled by Venus.
In the Vctorian language of flowers, this represents enchantment or being charmed, for boon or bane.
The color of this flower directly relates to the spiritual condition. So, how does the flower appear? Is it healthy, wilted, uprooted, surrounded by weeds}
Among the ancient Greeks, violets represented undisturbed rest and safety from ghosts.
[3]To dream you are in a garden admiring the beauty of this humble flower, signifies that you will be advanced to a more important situation in life than what you at present occupy.
[4]Dreams of a violet color or flower signify that you or soon will be famous, wealthy, faithful and spiritual. SeeChakra-6th-Ajna, Flower, Color and Indigo.
[5]Violets, in their variety of purple hues, illuminate the darkness and point to spiritual vision or psychic abilities.
(See Also: Flowers.)
[6]A light shade of purple and pink, violet is regarded as a spiritual color by many religions. It symbolizes purification and illumination.
[7]This flower symbolizes modesty. The color violet is related to autumn, and is related to the transition of life to death.
[8]While found by some to be too strong, means nobility, respect and hope. Its purpose is to uplift.
[9]Modesty and faithfulness.