Jewellery Dream Meaning

Dream Interpretation from 7 Unique Sources About Jewellery

jewellery image

1- Jewellery usually indicates that we have, or can have, something valuable in our lives. Being given jewellery suggests that someone else values us; giving jewellery signifies that we feel we have something to offer to other people. Those qualities we have learnt to value in ourselves through hard experience are those that we display most easily to other people.

Jewellery can also indicate love given or received.

For a woman to be giving a man jewellery usually indicates that she is attracted to him and perhaps is able to ofTer him her own sexuality and self-respect.

2- Very often, jewellery can represent our own feelings about ourselves.

For it to appear in a dream either as something which is very valuable or as something we know to be false (such as costume jewellery which masquerades as something valuable) - gives an indication of our own self-esteem. It may also give an indication as to how others feel about us.

3- Jewellery represents honour and self-respect without the usual vanity.


May represent the giver of the piece, or one s feelings about them—love given or received, something valu­able in a ‘quality of our life’ sense, such as something we have leamt through hard experience and ought to value; a woman’s honour, self respect, sexuality.

If the lewellery has a particular history, such as a family heirloom, the first piece of jewellery given by spouse, then it represents what we feel about family tradition, spouse, etc.

See Also: jewels; ring.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Very often, jewellery can represent our own feelings about ourselves, and how we present ourselves to the world.

For it to appear in a dream – either as something which is very valuable or as something we know to be false (such as costume jewellery which masquerades as something valuable) gives an indication of our own self-esteem. It may also give an indication as to how others feel about us.


Material aspects: Being given jewellery suggests that someone else values us; giving jewellery signifies that we feel we have something to offer to other people. Those qualities we have learnt to value in ourselves through hard experience are those that we display most easily to other people.


Gives gender-specific: For a woman to be giving a man jewellery in dreams usually indicates that she is attracted to him and perhaps is able to offer him her own sexuality and self-respect. In a man’s dream if he is giving a woman jewellery, he may be offering commitment.


Jewellery represents honour and self-respect without the attendant posturing. Spiritually, it usually indicates that we have, or can have, something valuable in our lives. Jewellery can also indicate love given or received.


1. Valuable possession;

2. God’s people;

3. Gifted person Mal. 3:17; 1 Cor. 3:12; Ex. 19:5.


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