Flowers Dream Meaning

Dream Interpretation from 29 Unique Sources About Flowers

flowers image

lucky numbers: 10-16-19-40-41-43

acacia, smelling an: must control your passions with chaste love.

allergy to flowers, child having: wil be afflicted with skin rashes.

pollen in the air: your dreams need to be fertilized to be realized.

amaryllis: pride, a love affair that wil transform you inside out.

artificial: are astonished at the exorbitant price for services rendered.

aster, picking an: a long-awaited letter is received; be true to the end.

azalea, receiving a bouquet of: your plan wil flourish, if you use temperance.

buying and planting: expect communication from long-lost friend.

beds: al ow a cautious exposure of your talents; success soon comes.

begonia, a: wil receive criticism for your ostentation, not your dark thoughts.

blooming: a new relationship with what is latent within.

bluebells, a bouquet of: many are envious of your constancy in love.

bud, a: a love relationship is germinating; be patient.

holding in your hands: your love affair wil turn sinister.

bulb, a: the unfolding of the layers of toil, as the flower is more able to fend for itself.

buttercup: precious childhood memories of gaiety.

camellia, a: delicacy is reassuring; unpretending excel ence is intense but short-lived joy.

clematis: your mental beauty is suggesting poverty before you reach prestige, lofty goals.

cloudy sky, under a: hard work with little reward; sorrow fal s like a blanket.

columbine, having a: your youthful fol y obstructs your advancement.

cowslip, picking: a pensive winning grace before the battle is on.

crocus, giving a bouquet of: do not abuse the fresh naïvéte; mirth is not youthful gladness.

cut: artificial emotions do not make an impression, nor do they last.

daffodils, growing in the garden: your chivalry wil be held in high regard.

dahlias, in a vase: instability in financial affairs wil settle down.

dandelions fluff blowing in the wind: time to fertilize and weed the lawn; heed its oracle.

dead: regret for unfulfil ed ambition.

decorating yourself with: your relationship is deepening.

delivering: someone needs clarification of your intentions.

destruction of: expect respect for being in the wrong position at the right time.

florist’s yard full of: seek out an oracle for guidance in love affairs.

forsythia on the lawn, yellow: joy wil visit luxurious surroundings.

foxgloves, receiving a gift of: your insincerity makes you unfitted to fil your position.

fragrance, a pleasant: your lover wil be impressed with your good taste.

offensive, an: your recognition wil be formalized in the face of slander.

fragrant: festivities of the young; enticing advice best left unheeded.

fuchsia, a: need a new teacher; have learned al you can from the last one.

gardenia, a: passionate embrace of intoxicating aromas.

garland, having a: hurdles can be jumped with flying colors.

gathering: good relations with future in-laws.

gentian, a: pleasures of life are in touch with the natural; yours are unjust.

geraniums: wil be visited by a beloved person on a long stay.

giving a gift of: your passions must be control ed.

gladiolas: another’s firing wil give you added responsibility and compensation.

goldenrod, a: use precaution in meddling in other’s concerns; encouragement only.

gorse, yellow: luck and prosperity.

hawthorn, smelling fragrant: with quick-sightedness you bring accord among friends.

heather, lying in a field of: simple pleasures in succession, lasting a lifetime.

heliotope, a: quiet devotion of a sensible love is secure in the future.

hollyhock, a: happiness is fertilized even in your present state of poverty.

honeysuckles being in flower: wil move to a contented home and life with new neighbors.

hothouse, in a: an advantageous deal dependent on outside forces.

if in season: great disappointments ahead.

in the house: your sweet disposition wil make the most out of every opportunity.

iris, a: peace and plenty with a faithful mate.

jonquil, yellow: wil receive a passionate love letter.

juniper, eating blue berries of a: be cautious in al your dealings.

laburnum, of a: your forsaken demeanor has a bright yel ow glow of pensive beauty.

lavender dried, amid the linen: exciting adventures surrounded with pleasure.

lotus blossoms: wil be fortunate in gambling with an ecstatic romance.

magnolia, wearing a: wil lose your heart to a Southerner.

marigolds to others, giving: grief cannot block your giving from your frugal side.

receiving a bouquet of: wil incur debts when you overspend unexpected money.

morning glory, a: an elegant, carefree, ful energy climb to heaven.

neighbor’s flowers in blossom: vulgar minds wish to influence your failure.

nosegay, being given a: debts wil be incurred.

of: hopes wil be short-lived blossoms; take this as a suitable time to pursue courtship.

oleander, fragrance of white: a blissful marriage.

out of season: your wishes are realized.

own, in blossom: danger because of a secret.

passion, smelling a: must control your sacrifice and sorrow to inherit wealth.

peonies: an annoying suitor; anxiety from a secret admirer.

petunia as a boutonniere: a drooping emotional life.

picking: big benefit from a steady friendship.

pink: lots of party favors and good eats.

primroses, picking: a smal indication of inconstancy in your flourishing love affair.

purple, having: loss of own estate.

receiving a gift of: have a loyal admirer in love with you.

from far away: wil be an heir to a fortune.

young woman dreaming of: wil have many suitors.

red: dissolution of the family.

ripping up, plants: are the source of your own destruction.

roses: joy from an exquisite pleasure that’s not fleeting.

smelling perfume of: enticing advice best left unheeded.

scent of, coming from the yard, the: loss of friends.

throwing away: wil suffer violent quarrels from own carelessness.

trees in blossom, all sorts of: much recreation is enjoyed.

tiger lilies, a bouquet of: wil be invited to a round of stupid boring parties.

tulips, gathering: wil have a proposal of marriage.

receiving: a recurring friendship that begins where it left off, no matter how long ago.

watering: care for your beauty.

water lilies, picking: an acquaintance wil cause your desires to be out of reach.

putting in a vase: your purity of heart wil gain the confidence of others.

white: smal difficulties.

wild: an adventure with the relaxed beauty of nature.

wilted, a: break off a dead-end relationship.

withered: many suitors, al after the wrong thing.

yard full of: wil have weakness in your body.

yellow: big difficulties.


The fragile loveliness of flowers, their bright colors, exquisite shapes and fragrant scents have meant they have long been regarded as a symbol of the spiritual self and pure inner beauty.

This is why, apart from enjoying them ourselves, we use flowers as gestures of love, reassurance and sympathy and why we often give them to people we like, love or admire. It is generally in one or other of these contexts that flowers appear in your dreams. When flowers are in bloom their beauty is vibrant and colorful but also fleeting and fragile, because as soon as a flower bursts from its bud into full bloom it is in the process of dying to make way for the next generation of flowers. As such, flowers in dreams can also be symbols of hope and optimism, as well as of the cycle of birth and death.

In his practice, Carl Jung observed that the dreams his patients reported consistently contained geometric shapes, such as circles, squares and triangles. A close look at a flower reveals that it is similarly composed of repeated shapes and patterns, reminiscent of the mandalas used in the Eastern religions that represent the wholeness of the spirit unfolding like a blossoming flower. The Buddha observed that the lilies floating in a pond were in various stages of development, just as each individual is in various stages of spiritual development. Some rose above muddy conditions to thrive whilst others struggled to survive.

In helping you discern their particular meaning, the color and condition of the flowers in your dream may be as significant as the flowers themselves. For example, red roses speak of romance and beauty whilst white roses speak of purity, spirit and healing. To dream about new blossoms suggests the opening of the inner self. To dream about a healthy flower represents healthy vitality, and to dream about a wilted flower represents a low energy or life force. Dreaming of an expansive field of beautiful wildflowers may symbolize freedom and uninhibited growth. Flowers growing through concrete or popping up through the snow might symbolize a strong spirit whilst flowers growing in the spring indicate new growth and beginnings. Flowers are often present in dreams of departed loved ones, symbolizing the natural cycle of life and death. Reflect upon the personal significance of the flower to determine its meaning in your dream. Take note, too, if the flowers have unusual colors; a friend giving you green roses, for example, may be jealous of your romantic attachments.



1- Flowers in a dream usually give us the opportunity to link to feelings of pleasure and beauty. We are aware that something new, perhaps a feeling or ability is beginning to conic into being and that there is a freshness about what we are doing.

To be given a bouquet means that we are being rewarded for an action the colour of the flowers may be important (See Also: Colours). In folklore, each individual flower had a meaning in dreams: Anenome Your present partner is untrustworthy. Arum Lily An unhappy marriage or the death of a relationship. Bluebell Your partner will get argumentative. Buttercup Your business will increase. Carnation A passionate love affair. Clover Someone who is in need of finance will try to get in touch.

Crocus A dark man around you is not to be trusted. Daffodil You have been unfair to a friend, look for reconciliation.

Forget-me-not Your chosen partner cannot give yon what you need. Forsythia You are glad to be alive. Geranium A recent quarrel is not as serious as you thought. Honeysuckle You will be upset by domestic quarrels. Iris Hopefully, you will receive good news. Lime/Linden This suggests feminine grace. Marigold There may be business difficulties. Mistletoe Be constant to your lover. Myrtle This gives joy; peace, tranquillity, happiness and constancy. Narcissus Don’t mistake shadow for substance. Peony Excessive self-restraint may cause you distress. Poppy A message will bring great disappointment. Primrose You will find happiness in a new friendship. Rose Indicates love, and perhaps a wedding, within a year. Snowdrop Confide in someone and do not hide your problems.

Violet You will marry someone younger than yourself.

2- The feminine principle is often represented in dreams by flowers, as is childhood.

The bud represents the potential available, while the opening flower indicates development.

3- Spiritually flowers signify love and compassion, both that which we may receive and that which we give to others.


Universal Landscape: Expressions of love and affection.

Dreaming Lens: What type of flowers appeared in your dream? Were they being given or received as a gift? Were they wildflowers or store bought? Were they indoors or outside and part of nature?

Personal Focus: Flowers are one of nature’s delights. They embody the notion of beauty that knows nothing more than to be beautiful. Their attractiveness is designed to ensure their continued survival, so their very existence is tied directly to their beauty. They have come to be relied upon as expressions of love and affection when given as a gift. In fact, there is an entire language of flowers, known as floriography, associated with the meaning of different flowers. Although floriography is long out of fashion, it can be easily researched should a particular type of flower appear in a dream.

Wildflowers have a different connotation than those that have been cultivated. Any image that connects with nature is reflecting some expression of unconscious thoughts entering your conscious awareness. However, cultivated flowers connect with a sense of deliberateness with regard to the presence of beauty. Wildflowers are evidence of beauty as a natural part of life, and that in the absence of any attention whatsoever, love will always find a way to express itself through the veil of beauty for beauty’s sake.

Most often, flowers are exchanged as a token of love, thanks, or apology, so look to areas in your life where one of these themes may be present. If a person was connected with the flowers in the dream, use him or her as a Character Aspect to see what elements of your own personality might be calling for love or reconciliation. (See Also: Garden.)


(See Also: by type, Field)

Fulfillment and maturity in yourself, a job, or a relationship.

Research the specific flower for other more detailed associations. Most have correlations with divine beings, historical figures, and folkloric attributes.

For example, the lily is often an emblem of Christ, the rose is often a symbol of Mary, the Mother Goddess, and of England, and lavender portends renewed happiness.

Personal values, morals, and characteristics budding to the forefront.

Appearing as an offering: See Altar, Sacrifice.

Gathering in a garden: A delightful surprise, depending on the flower. Buttercups portend successful business, carnations foretell love, irises predict communication from someone you miss, and primroses are an omen of new friendship.

Dying or wilting: Personality disorders, physical maladies, or decreased energy that erodes inner beauty.

Alchemically, an alternative emblem for the soul, as the petals radiate from the center, like the body around the spirit.

Opening flowers represent potential, hope, and the first evidence of manifestation with regard to your goals.

Victorians used flowers to communicate messages and for a special petaled divination system in which each blossom meant something different. Consider if your words are being directed with flowery sentiments that may or may not be appreciated and understood by the recipient.


Sense of beauty; flowering of the feeling quality or ability; the sexual organs, depending on shape. Example: So for the third time I held the woman and made love.

The woman’s vagina was like a flower—1 don’t mean to look at, but in physical sensation. My penis felt like it was penetrating petals of flesh and touching with great pleasure a central re­ceptive area. I was left with the feeling of being able to make love again and again without any negative effects. It was a very positive and healthy feeling’ (John T).

Also feelings of pleasure; youthfulness; time of flowenng. Bud: penis or vagina, in the sense of growing male or female qualities. Giving flowers: giving love and tenderness. Many flowers growing: feelings of well-being and relaxation. Dead flowers: death or old age; dying love or abilities. Giving dead flowers: wishing someone dead or out of one’s life; dead feel­ings. Lotus, lily : as these grow from mud, through water to the air and light, they sometimes represent our wholeness and growth, showing our connection with the universal as we de­velop individually. Rose: love; femininity. Shape or number of petals is featured: a flowering of a new aspect of the self.

See Also: colours; shapes; castrate.


Flowers symbolize beauty and safety. They are also symbols of the inner feminine self.

If you dream of seeing or being in a field of colorful flowers, this represents your own kindness, compassion, gentleness, beauty and pleasure in life.

It is also a symbol of perfection, spirituality, joy and financial gain.

To dream of fresh, brightly colored flowers growing in a garden or arranged in a vase or flower pot indoors, is a lucky omen of great personal happiness.

To dream of flowers blooming in barren soil means that your energy and cheerful nature will help you get through hard times.

If the flowers were dead or wilted or if you threw them away, the dream is warning you that overconfidence or carelessness goes before a fall. It may also means that you are not making use of your full potential and talents.

To dream of flowers opening can indicate psychic powers in the dreamer.

To dream of plastic flowers suggests that you are being fake in some way. You are not being genuine and true to yourself. Perhaps you are putting on a false cheerfulness, or acting like somebody you are not. Also see “Bouquet” and “Lei”


If you were presented with a bouquet of flowers in your dream, you need to notice who or what gave you the flowers, what kind of flowers they were, and what color they were, as all these messages are significant. The giver may be someone who you already know who holds you in high regard, but if it is someone you don’t know so well, your unconscious may be alerting you to their secret admiration. It is also possible that your unconscious is compensating for lack of recognition from other people and expressing your desire for them to be more demonstrative.

If the flowers are dying or have wilted this could suggest that the giver’s admiration is wilting, or that your expectations are disappointed.

If the dreamer discards the flowers this signifies bad relations between the dreamer and someone close to him or her, or the people around him or her, both at work and in the family.


Vision: Picking flowers means material success and a pleasant emotional experience. Seeing a bouquet of fresh flowers: good luck in love and friendship. Decorating yourself with flowers means the deepening of a relationship with a loved one. Tearing flowers off a plant: you are destroying (or have destroyed) your own happiness. In a woman’s dream, flowers stand for great expectation and hope in matters of love.

If the woman is picking flowers it means she is hoping that her secret wishes (sometimes the material kind) will be fulfilled.

Depth Psychology: Dreams about flowers point to something positive within you. It might also refer to a very private, personal experience that is, in real life, related to flowers.

The more beautiful the flowers, the richer your emotional world and your ability to love.


Flowers in a dream are a sign of joy and benefits.

If one sees himself crowned with a garland of flowers in the dream, it means that he will get married, enjoy his marital life excessively and take pleasure in experiencing his success in this wor ld. Seeingflowers out of season in a dream means depression.

If an impostor sees himself carrying a bouquet of flowers in a dream, it means constipation, while if a sick person sees that in a dream, it means his death.

A bouquet ofmany varieties of flowers and colors in a dream represent the world, its constantly renewed youthfulness and its material pleasures. Asfor a woman, seeing flowers in a dream means getting pregnant or overcoming her difficulties.

(See Also: Blossoms, Earth, Iris)


Each flower has its own meaning but you can say that, in general, they symbolize joy, fleeting beauty, love, and happiness. Therefore, contemplating flowers in dreams may portend the beginning of a new relationship.

If you pick one, this relationship is likely to be reciprocated; however, if during the dream you just smell them you will probably be the one who ends up quitting such a relationship.

If you can tell the color of the flower that appears in the dream the interpretation will vary according to the meaning of each color.

Buddha’s teachings say that every person goes through the same phases a flower does. You may be in the dirt of desire or you may rise up and gradually open up to the light.


Messages received.Delicate messages of love, joy and healing. When we look at flowers, most of us feel some joy and vitality. At the very least, we appreciate their beauty and see their value. Flowers are beautiful and in our dreams they could represent the simplest feelings of contentment to the deepest feelings of spiritual completeness.

A circular flower is a friendly sign which could be the “mandala” symbol or the symbol of wholeness that represents the “psychic center of the personality.” Additionally, the colors could symbolize the psychic centers in our bodies called chakras. Flowers also represent hope and positive growth, along with simplicity, innocence, and possibly virginity.


A flower is a symbol for expressions of love and beauty for its own sake. Flowers also represent fertility and the possibility of new growth in the future. There is a language to flowers that we have lost in modern society but that was once a vibrant way of communicating specific loving messages. For example, a red rose signifies romantic love, whereas a yellow one indicates platonic love. No matter what distinctions you draw about the specific flower(s) that appear in your dream, consider that once flowers are picked, they begin the process of wilting and decay, representing the ephemeral nature of feelings of love and its expression.


Fresh, brightly colored flowers featured in your dream, whether growing out of doors or arranged indoors, are an auspicious omen of great personal happiness.

If the flowers were dead or wilted or if you threw them away, the dream is warning you that overconfidence and/or carelessness also goes before a fall.

Artificial flowers predict a situation where you will be under pressure to act against your principles; don’t allow yourself to be influenced.

Wild flowers signify a happy, exciting adventure.

See Also: Colors, Roses, Daffodils, etc.


Psychological / emotional perspective: The feminine principle is often represented in dreams by flowers, as is childhood.

The bud represents the potential available, while the opening flower indicates development.

To be given a bouquet – and the colour of the flowers may be important – means that we are being rewarded for an action, perhaps a spiritual offering of some sort. Each individual flower has a particular symbolism in dreams and below are just a few.


To dream you are gathering flowers, is a very favorable omen: expect to thrive in everything you undertake, and that you will be successful in love, marry happily, and have beautiful children. Should they wither under your hands, then expect heavy losses in trade : that your sweetheart will die; or, if you are married, that vou will lose your husband or wife, and also your favorite child.


1. Man’s glory of the flesh that is passing away;

2. An offering;

3. The fragrance of God; the Holy people and land of God, Israel.

1 Peter 1:24; Song 2:1; James 1:10, 11; Song 2:1-2 Is. 28:1; 40:1-3.

• Lily

1. Death;

2. Funeral;

3. Mourning;

4. Beauty;

5. Splendour.

• Rose

1. Christ and His Church;

2. Love;

3. Courtship,

4. Romance.


Joy is indicated by dreaming of flowers in season, the dream augurs disappointment, white flowers are but slightly unfortunate; yellow flowers forecast painful difficulties; red flowers indicate death (Gypsy). Freud regards this as a purely erotic dream. In Christian symbolism flowers symbolize immortality; cut flowers, however, are emblematic of death.


Material aspects: Flowers in a dream usually give us the opportunity to link to feelings of pleasure and beauty. We are aware that something new, perhaps a feeling or ability, is beginning to come into being and that there is a freshness about what we are doing. Also consult the entry for colour and garden.


The colors of the flowers can symbolize the psychic centers, called chakras. Flowers also represent hope and positive growth, along with simplicity, innocence and possibly virginity. They symbolize contentment and pleasure.


Blooming, fragrant, and beautiful, flowers in their many varieties come as reflections of feminine beauty. Each may have different attributes and fragrances commenting on the many expressions of a woman’s beauty.


Flowers growing in a garden mean pleasure and happy working conditions.

A bouquet demotes imminent social events. Withered flowers, disappointments, regrets.

To gather flowers, a surprise.


Always a positive symbol. Joy and happiness, and perhaps a whole new life, lie ahead for the dreamer. Astrological parallel: Taurus, Virgo. Tarot parallel: The Sun.


One of the best of Nature dreams, this foretells great happiness, unless you throw away the blossoms, when you will suffer from your own careless actions.


In general it is lucky to dream of flowers, but if the odor is unpleasant, it is not a fortunaie augury. Look up COLORS (ch, V).


A joyful and appreciative reward of love, beauty, and sentiment; research type and color, i.E. Dead flowers are the end of such


Gathering beautiful flowers is an indication of prosperity. You will be very fortunate in all your undertakings.


Spiritually flowers signify love and compassion, both that which we may receive and that which we give to others.


Love, marriage, Song. 2:12


Sources and Authors

  1. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by Zolar [Back to dream]
  2. The Element Encyclopedia by Theresa Cheung [Back to dream]
  3. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball [Back to dream]
  4. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by Dr. Michael Lennox [Back to dream]
  5. The Language of Dreams by Patrica Telesco [Back to dream]
  6. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by Tony Crisp [Back to dream]
  7. My Dream Interpretation by myjellybean [Back to dream]
  8. The Element Encyclopedia by Theresa Cheung [Back to dream]
  9. Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda [Back to dream]
  10. Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn Seerin [Back to dream]
  11. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by Martha Clarke [Back to dream]
  12. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by Silvana Amar [Back to dream]
  13. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by Dr. Mıchael Lennox [Back to dream]
  14. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett [Back to dream]
  15. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  16. The Mystic Dream Book by Stephen Girard [Back to dream]
  17. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  18. The Fabric of Dream by Katherine Taylor Craig [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  20. Tryskelion Dream Interpretation by Pagan - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  21. Ariadne's Book of Dream by Ariadne Green [Back to dream]
  22. Psycho Dream Interpretation by Ella Freeman Sharpe [Back to dream]
  23. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by Astro Center [Back to dream]
  24. Mystic Dream Book by Internet Archive - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  25. The Complete Dream Book by Gillian Holloway [Back to dream]
  26. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by Margaret Hamilton [Back to dream]
  27. Indian Interpretation of Dreams by Indian - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  28. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  29. Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe [Back to dream]

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A to Z Dream Interpretation